Monday, February 2, 2009

Victory for NYC Tenants

From: Assemblyman Shelly Silver <>
Date: Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 6:28 PM
Subject: Victory for NYC Tenants

Dear Friend,

Today we took a big step forward in the fight to strengthen New York City's rent laws.

A little over an hour ago the New York State Assembly voted 91-to-52 to approve legislation that will keep more apartments in rent stabilization by limiting landlords' ability to raise rents after a vacancy by repealing so-called "vacancy decontrol." The bill was a part of legislative package to preserve affordable housing by increasing penalties on landlords who harass tenants or violate rent-regulation orders, prevent landlords from exploiting loopholes to raise rents when leases are renewed and stop them from charging more rent for questionable "capital improvements."

Our legislation would also increase the rent and income thresholds for rent stabilization so that more middle income families can keep their homes.

Finally, we voted to change the law to give New York City - not Albany - control over rent regulation. New York City tenants shouldn't have to beg upstate legislators for better rent laws.

Too many families are being priced out of their communities by skyrocketing rents. That's why it's crucial that we do everything possible to protect rent stabilized and rent controlled tenants, and ensure that working families can continue to afford to live in the neighborhoods they call home.

Thank you for everything you did to get us to this point.

The legislation we approved today was the result of the tireless work of tenants and advocates who have made the calls, written the letters and traveled to Albany to share their stories.

Taking the pressure off of families struggling with the cost of housing is job one for me - and we have much more to do to make sure this legislation is enacted into law - but together I am confident we can succeed.

But for today, congratulations on a big victory.

Very truly yours,

Shelly Silver

1 comment:

MargaretBX said...

This is a great step -- but we've had great legislation passed by the Assembly before that never becomes law because we need the Senate to pass it too. It's time to KEEP THE PRESSURE ON and see that the Senate ALSO passes this important legislation!!!!