Friday, December 12, 2008

NWBCCC participates in Citywide Housing Rally to End Vacancy Decontrol

As part of the Housing Here and Now Coalition, The Northwest Bronx Communty and Clergy Coalition (NWBCCC) was one of eight organizations that planned the spirited gathering against vacancy decontrol, along with ACORN, Community Voices Heard, Make the Road NY, NYS Tenants and; Neighbors Coalition. For more pictures click here.

Vacancy decontrol is the process of preserving rent controls and tenant protections for occupied apartments, but removing them once the tenant moves out—is often mentioned as a "compromise" that would protect "tenants in place" but still give landlords some of what they want.

Studies have shown that it has not spurred development nor improved housing stock in the city but is simply a way that landlords can manipulate tenants.

Our leaders Ramona Santana and Ana Lugo of the NWBCCC Housing Committee gave excellent speeches at the event.

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